Exodus 20:13

Order of Service

Call to Worship: Psalm 71:22-23



#100 - Holy, Holy, Holy (Tune)

#267 - The Day of Resurrection (Tune)

Confession of Sin

Lord Jesus, give us to die with you that we may rise to new life, for we wish to be dead and buried to sin, selfishness, and the world. O Lord, there is much ill about us - crucify it; much of the flesh within us - mortify it. Let us reckon our old lives dead because of the crucifixion. Grant us more and more of the resurrection life: may it rule us, may we walk in its power, and be strengthened through its influence. Now, as we quiet ourselves to confess our faults, visit us by your Spirit that we might be free from every wrong desire.

Hymn: #295 - Crown Him with Many Crowns (Tune)

Scripture Readings: 

Matthew 5:21-26

1 John 3:11-24

Affirmation of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism Q.107

Q. Is it enough, then, if we do not kill our neighbor in any of these ways?

A. No; for when God condemns envy, hatred, and anger, he requires us to love our neighbor as ourselves, to show patience, peace, gentleness, mercy, and friendliness toward him, to prevent injury to him as much as we can, also to do good to our enemies.

Hymn: Speak O Lord (Tune)

Sermon: Exodus 20:13


Doxology: #731

Pastoral Prayer

Closing Hymn: #644 - May the Mind of Christ my Savior (Tune)
