Psalm 90

Please click the sermon title to see a list of questions for further reflection.

After you've listened the sermon, take a few moments to answer the following questions:

How is God’s eternality both awe inspiring and comforting?  Especially considering the current circumstances, how can this truth help you?

How does thinking about the brevity of life make you feel?  Why?

Moses' talk about God’s anger probably seems unsuitable to many people and incompatible with their view of a loving God.  How are we to understand that a loving God can also be angry?

Are there sins that you perhaps don’t take as seriously as you should? Why?

Think about how you spend your days and how you make decisions.  Are there things that should change if you were thinking more in light of eternity?

How does the gospel bring you joy?

This week, pray for your friends and neighbors who need their spiritual eyes to be opened. 

You might also take a few minutes to sing Isaac Watts's paraphrase of Psalm 90, "Our God, Our Help in Ages Past"